Tuesday, January 13, 2009


We access the intelligence of the body through somatic awareness. Somatic awareness refers to the feeling of the body, its structure, energy and function, and how the experience of being alive happens through the body. In Somatic Trauma Resolution I work perceptually, helping my clients become aware of how their body reacts to their thought processes. As the client shifts their thinking, they begin to percieve that re-organization happens in their body as well.

Trauma is caused by whatever is overwhelming to the nervous system. Often traumatic events pile on top of each other without time for for them to be discharged. The result can be physical symptoms that are difficult to diagnose or resolve. After an emergency, if we have not been able to run or fight back, or otherwise expend the adrenaline that arose for the emergency, that energy can end up trapped in the tissues of the body.

The goal of Somatic Trauma Resolution is reinstatement of resiliency in the nervous system - to enable it to remember how to discharge trauma. The therapist helps the client access the somatic inteligence of their body to heal old wounds and traumas. To book a session go to www.CraniosaCralcare.com