Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is Craniosacral Therapy For You?

You may have never heard of Craniosacral Therapy, or you may have heard about it and have wondered what it is, or if you'd like to experience it. You might be surprised to learn that this modality has some unique and valuable ways of addressing the body-mind-spirit that helps bring about lasting changes for those who experience it.

Craniosacral Therapy uses light-touch techniques to balance the craniosacral system, the fluid and membrane system that surrounds and protects the central nervous system. The performance of the craniosacral system is critical to good health since it has a direct influence on your body's motor function, learning patterns and emotions.

Craniosacral Therapy helps bolster your immune system and improves the way you respond to stress and illness. The techniques used in this modality work deep within the body to remove long-standing restrictions, stresses and strain patterns. But there is also a unique spiritual dimension to the practice of Craniosacral Therapy. The fluid and rhythm of our craniosacral system contains a field of intellegence and information. A trained theapist can tune into this information.

As the therapist uses gentle, non-invasive, respectful touch, the client begins to feel a sense of safety, which causes a shift in their energy. The therapist's touch may begin to evoke memories of physical or emotional trauma in the area being touched. The therapist helps the client stay centered in present time as the client begins releasing long-held trauma in areas of his body. The therapist may guide the client to ask himself why energy is stuck in an area of his body, and what it needs to release. This is a profound way for the client to come back to his center, get in touch with his body, and listen to his own needs. After a Craniosacral Therapy session clients report feeling blissfully relaxed, centered, refreshed and re-energized. Results are long-lasting and many times permanent since they come from your own system.
For more information on Craniosacral Therapy please see my website: